When we update your kitchen we are very aware of the stress that comes with this process, especially for the house wife. In most cases, the family stays in the house during construction.
Visualisation with a detail budget is a way of eliminate one of the stresses during and after the construction. We provide al 3D model of the project showing the project in it complete form for all to understand what the end product should look like. Nothing worse when you expectation is not the final kitchen.
We know we are a guest in your house and will behave in the appropriate manner.
During this process we apply dust controls, this include, screening-off of the work section, using vacuums with our hand tools as well as negative pressure within the work area. Access passage to the work area is covered to prevent damages.
There is nothing worse than having to fix all the damages after the builders have left.
New Home
Update with upgrades
Some kitchen has good sub structures and it is often not necessary to replace them. This is also a waste of money and product. This type of update seldom requires any structural changes or demolishing work.
By painting these cupboards and updating the hardware i.e. hinges you can have a completely new looking kitchen at half the price of a new one. In the process, tops can be changed, and a new black splash can be added.
Next option is the replacement of the fronts, being doors and draw fronts, but still saving the carcasses. Again, new tops can be added.
Finally, is the upgrade of all cabinetry with new configuration without any changes to the building. All the windows, doors and ceilings remain, floor covering usually gets replace when the cupboard placement changes.
Your remodeled kitchen will still look magnificent with any budget.
Replacement with Reconstruction
This involved removing the existing kitchen, strip the wall covering and get back to the bare structure. From this we reconstruct your kitchen with all new cabinetry.
Having a clean slate to work with there are many options available, all budget dependable.
Options include: Modern contemporary with no handle to country classic with wooden tops. All-draw internal with no shelving, self-closing draws, the options are almost limitless.